Dorel Clayton
Community Health Worker Trainer
Dorel is a Community Health professional with practical, life-changing experience, who works to assist individuals with chemical dependency, mental health disorders, and other stressors. Dorel has expertise that professional training cannot replicate. He has the mentality and ability to reach his peers, aiding with articulating recovery goals, learning and practicing new skills, helping with monitoring progress, assisting in treatment, modeling effective coping techniques, and implementing self-help strategies based on his own RE-Entry and Recovery experience. He also assists individuals with increasing self-advocacy to obtain necessary and effective services. Dorel spent 5 years working on a crisis unit and has been trained in health care counseling and peer support. He received certification as a facilitator and has trained certified and accredited curriculums for the past 8 years, as well as being well-versed in WRAP® intervention. Dorel’s experience, compassion, and commitment to Re-Entry and Recovery ensure his dedication to preparing quality professionals who desire to work in the field of Community Health Work.