To support primary care programs to implement the TCN model of health system transformation, we utilize a standardized implementation process followed by ongoing TA and continuous evaluation/quality improvement. If you’re interested in joining the network and building a local Transitions Clinic, TCN can provide the following services to help:

Each community is unique; there are varying rates of recidivism, disparate reentry services and uneven access to primary care. The TCN works with potential partner sites to understand the site’s particular programmatic needs based on its existing resources.

Caring for patients recently released from incarceration requires a unique set of skills of which many healthcare providers are unfamiliar. TCN member sites:
- Have access to our online training manual and tools for launching and sustaining a Transitions Clinic Program
- Receive training on team-based care and CHW integration into the medical team
- Attend online workshops focused on common clinical and technical issues

Some regions have a plethora of reentry services, while others offer few options for individuals returning from incarceration. In many cases, existing programs are underutilized or misrepresented. Our national presence enables us to facilitate relationships that might otherwise be overlooked, allowing sites to leverage the TCN to the benefit of their patients.